cataloguing my own hubris here

> With commentary!

8-31-2024 -----

The dark ages... basically me trying to figure out a layout by myself with the meagerest knowledge of HTML and CSS imaginable. Literally nothing was on here just a to-do that thankfully became kind of obsolete!

9-6-2024 -----

Me once trying to figure out flex boxes for... I think the 3rd time? Same list, same- what is it- cornflower blue? that VSCode give you in the dropdown? Yeah at this point I've switched to an external IDE, because for some godforsaken reason, Neocities wouldn't accept my HTML changes from the on-site editor.

Still have zero idea why it did that, either way, don't regret the change!

Also this Music Player is really simple to implement! Reccomend.

9-8-2024 ----->

Okay, at this point I discovered SadGrl/Goblin-Heart's (old) Layout builder and my life was saved from my own stupid, EXTREMELY helpful and easy to figure out, 10/10. I plan on revanping the layout in the future because it entirely relies on in-html styling, which stresses me out, but it's a starting point that I'm very happy with.

The aesthetics of the site started to come together, I had a big reference in my own, incredibly shittily coded Artfight profile, which, their CSS system is already jank (in my opinion) because it's based off of a whitelist but also I understand, so, whatever. The system sucked but the general look of the site was set and themed around the space/ocean teams of this year, I liked it so I kept it!

There isn't much to say about this one, I just found the Undertale font by accident and, frankly, it FUCKS. This font is rad, and free! 8-Bit Operator ily

Now the primary layout is done! I have all my to-be links, the button I made that kind of inspired me to actually go for this project, things start cruising here and I actually sorta figure out what I'm doing.

Again not much to say here, I found a snippet that made a draggable box, which im currently trying to figure out how to do myself for ease of maintenance, this was initially going to be a site update text window, but this page has kind of replaced it entirely SO, it's just the box that holds my Guestbook, which you should sign ;D

I turned everything into a link. This was not my intention.

Added Friends page.

Made some adjustments to the CSS/Styling of the site, while not a total revamp the styling is now on a centralized CSS document where I won't have to stress about it anymore. It initially gave me a lot of problems but whatever I did today seems to have worked out just fine.
coding is weird.

To be continued...